Friday, February 21, 2014

Spring time romance, new print giveaway!

for all of you looking forward to spring, and for those of us enjoying late summer, these little fellows are feeling the love!

simply send me a comment letting me know which one you would like and you will be in the draw for one to be sent to you as a gift from me!


Vikki V said...

Hi Ellen, love your work. Would love the blue one. Hope im lucky. Vikki

Kirsten Anderson said...

They're both so cool. Think I like the pink best.

Denise said...

Oh wow, they are lovely! Your work is so delightful and colorful. The blue heart I like the most:-)

Tracey said...

They are beautiful especially love the blue one.

Rachaeldaisy said...

Both prints are so wonderful!! But if I had to choose I like the heart within a heart in the pink one. Thank you for the chance to win.

Attic24 said...

These are GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!
I love the blue one, the colours are beautiful xxxxxxxxx

Lucy Attic24

Claudia Verhelst said...

They are very beautiful, the blue one would match the best with the old man and the seaprint we already have.

Delfie said...

The blue ... I like it !
Belle journée ! Des bises de France

MixTure43 said...

These are both adorable and gorgeously BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
I love the blue one, shared your blog on my Fb page!

Karen MixTure43

Meine-Manufaktur said...

Dear Ellen, I look at your Homepage nearly every day and I would love to have the blue heart in my house. Thank you for the great inspiration:)

the linen cloud said...

They are both beautiful but I think I love the blue one more ... thanks for the chance ... Bee xx

Jenster said...

I'd love the red/pinky one for my daughters room as it will look gawjus against her spotty wallpaper.
It will make her feel happy when she looks at it every day!

Unknown said...

I love the blue/green one. My boys yell out "love" to me. A short version of "I love you". This would be perfect to hang in our loungeroom.

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