Friday, March 6, 2015

My new scarf collection!

It's taken me a while but at last here they are, my very first scarf collection!
I must say, I gasped when I received the fabric to make these.
The colour and detail are amazing! The feel and quality of the fabric is so sumptuous!
I love the way a scarf gives me an instant lift, you'll seldom see me without one.
Perfect for the changing season.
They are available now in my Etsy shop!
Oh yes, aren't my models beautiful, can you believe these photos havn't been retouched.
They are my good friend Nancy's girls, her son's friend and my darling sister. 


  1. Stunning! i think my favourite scarf is - oh, who am I kidding? I love them all!

  2. thanks so much! it means alot! x

  3. What a pack of wonderful designs! The colors are stunning and perfectly elevate the fabric in a visual sort of way. You should really keep us posted about those stuff, which can really be helped by the fact that you have made them available for purchase in relevant online avenues. Thanks for sharing that, Ellen! Kudos and more power to you!

    Laverne Mitchell @ Digital Sales Development


Thanks for your comment, it's always so nice, it makes my day!