Friday, March 20, 2015

20% off everything Celebration!

Summer is slowly coming to an end for us here in New Zealand.
It's been so lovely but there's a sudden chill in the air even thought the sun's still shining.
The nice thing about being connected to the wide world is that I am seeing how delighted everyone in the northern hemisphere is about the first signs of spring. Somehow it's worn off on me and has inspired these 2 new very springy prints!

I have just seen that I have made my 1000th sale in my Etsy shop! To celebrate, I am taking 20% of everything from the 23rd of March (this Monday) till the 31st of March.
Thank's so much for making my little shop such a success!
I couldn't have done it without you!

(click anywhere on this post to visit my shop)


  1. Hooray! And what a great incentive for the viewers to stick around and buy some more! Affordable prices are awesome enough as they are, making it feel like both a reward and recognition is just a really cool bonus. But if there is one that should be recognized, it's you and your store. Congrats for hitting that mark in terms of sales. Getting your products known and having sales like that is an achievement in itself. Cheers!

    Travis White @ Marketing Digest

  2. Hooray! And what a great incentive for the viewers to stick around and buy some more! Affordable prices are awesome enough as they are, making it feel like both a reward and recognition is just a really cool bonus. But if there is one that should be recognized, it's you and your store. Congrats for hitting that mark in terms of sales. Getting your products known and having sales like that is an achievement in itself. Cheers!

    Travis White @ Marketing Digest


Thanks for your comment, it's always so nice, it makes my day!