Monday, July 30, 2012

fabric print

thanks for your enthusiasm for my fun little print!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

fabric pattern

perhaps my city lights design would make groovy cushions!

thanks for all your comments,I have ordered a sample and will post it as soon as I get it, if you are then interested in ordering some I will let you know more!

Friday, July 27, 2012

my little place in the world

oh what a beautiful morning!
is this the first spring blossom?!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

dreaming of spring fabric collection


 I'm sure it's a subconscious thing but I really am dreaming of spring as I sit at my computer, a hot water bottle on my feet and one on my lap, I don't know about you but sitting at the computer on a cold day makes me feel stiff like an old person, to loosen up again I feel the need to go for a brisk walk along the beach even though it's blowing a gale!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A competition winner!

and the little angels set goes to....
Rebecca! who would like to gift it to a friend who is going into hospital, we all know how colourless hospitals can be so these will hopefully brighten her stay just a little bit.
thanks so much to every one else for entering, your comments are truly gorgeous!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

beautiful winter flower photo

sometimes when the light is just right and the flower is exceptional it all comes together.
I really can't believe how beautiful this flower is.
I haven't touched up this photo at all, nature has created this!

sorry Mel, I don't know the name of the flower, surprisingly it isn't a Camellia, it is growing low under the Camellia bush.

make your own pretty nechlaces

 I was rummaging around in my jewelry box yesterday evening, I had to find something reasonably posh for an event I was going to when I rediscovered these necklaces I had made a while ago, they made me smile, I remembered the fun I had sewing all sorts of little beads and sequins on a length of pretty french trim, you could do the same! it's easy and the effect is quite pretty!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Pretty things and a big thank you!

It's so lovely to see camellias are coming into flower, this photo looks like candles on a birthday cake don't you think! does this mean sunny days ahead? I hope so.

Don't forget to enter my competition a couple of posts back!
I'll be deciding a winner on Monday!

To every one of my lovely followers and comment makers,
I sometimes feel a wee bit cut off from the wider world, living right down here in beautiful little New Zealand, every lovely comment you make brings me so much joy and warms my happy heart, thank you so much xx

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Evening in my studio

5pm, time to pack up, ahhh a sunny day at last, what shall I cook for dinner?...

Monday, July 16, 2012

Pretty Angels paper craft decoration COMPETITION

Here is my latest addition to my ever growing paper craft range,
I've always wanted to create a set of pretty, colourful, gorgeous angels and after some playing around I have finished my simplest set to make yet.
Gosh I love making these! it's so exciting making them up for the very first time, will they look good? will they fit together?
there is always a big sigh of relief when they do!

To celebrate, I'd like to give away a set of 2 angels!
All you have to do is tell me why you would like them!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Bed Linen designs

I have finally gotten around to working on some little print ideas
(this one is called "day dreaming" i think I need to move the pink tree over to the left a bit!) that i've had brewing for a while, I have been lucky with a lovely variety of opportunities till now but fabrics for bed linen have as yet eluded me, so I decided to take the bull by the horns and submit one or two, i'll let you know if anything happens, cross fingers!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012

pretty fairy art print

I tried to create more of a 3d effect, It didn't really turn out that way but I'm still pretty happy with the result, what do you think?

Pretty Fairy Paper Cut decoration

As you can see, there is something quite nice about my collages before they are stuck down (quite apart from her slipper having fallen off) I am going to try to scan this piece without completely flattening it, the shadows add an extra dimension, I thought about photographing it but I'm not sure I'll get the quality I like,
I'll show you the results soon!

Bright, happy, 1950's, childrens art & design

Don't you just love these happy bright colours! I popped in to see my friend Annie yesterday, she owns "Annie Hayward Art and Treasures", the cutest little shop in our village. It's filled to the brim with all the things I love! bright colours, quirky mid century items and beautiful art works. My aim is to pop in to just say hi, 1 hour later...I'm sure you know what it's like when you get together with someone who is so like minded! there are always endless things to oooh ahhh about! I spotted the adorable little racing car tin next to one of my paper kits, I don't know what it is about the 50's, it just makes me happy!

Oh yes the doggy and cow are a couple of pieces I will add to my etsy collection soon!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Sunny yellow to brighten a wintery day + a competition winner!

 As promised, I am continuing on with my colour theme, this time its yellow, well sort of, typical me, I can't help but add a little splash of red here and there, to be honest, I don't always like yellow and red together, it can look a bit garish, these examples however work so beautifully, it almost makes me forget the grey, drizzle outside.
Mr Butterfly will be available soon as a print!

CONGRATULATIONS to; Bungalowgirl you are the winner!
yes indeed, it is water on a white car bonnet!
just send me an email   
with your choice of print from my shop and your postal address and a print will be on it's way!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Party animals, lion print

it's cold and rainy, a great time to snuggle up inside and make happy little collages!
Continuing on my theme "party animals" here is number one in my new range of etsy prints!

any more guesses anyone? last weeks competition will close at the end of the week!

Monday, July 2, 2012

How to create a collage!

School holidays! it's winter and my challenge over the next couple of weeks will be to keep the kids of the computer, partly because I can't stand to see them waste there days playing mindless games, partly because I have sooo much to do! I have some pretty exciting projects that I will be srarting this week, sadly I have to keep them under wraps for a while.

I don't really know why, perhaps because we have a big blank bit of wall space in our living room, I decided to made this mega big collage yesterday, its over a meter in size, I had so much fun cutting out interesting bits from some of my older interiors mags.

Incase it has inspired you to give it a go, here are a few tips:

Take 1 sheet of neutral paper, I used grey (this way anything you add will instantly ping and wont compete)
Add a large element (I used a bright red piece) this helps to give the little pieces something to hang on to)
Now you can cut out interesting shapes and textures, lay them on the paper, move them around, edit, till the balance is pleasing.
You will notice that I often bunch colours together (reds, oranges and yellows..)
The most imprtant thing is have fun and experiment!,
When you are happy with it, take a shot of it so you can remember where all the pieces belong)
Using spray adhesive (I always go out side to do this!) glue down.
one more secret, I use a compass with knife attachment to make my perfect circles!
good luck!