Sunday, July 8, 2012

Bright, happy, 1950's, childrens art & design

Don't you just love these happy bright colours! I popped in to see my friend Annie yesterday, she owns "Annie Hayward Art and Treasures", the cutest little shop in our village. It's filled to the brim with all the things I love! bright colours, quirky mid century items and beautiful art works. My aim is to pop in to just say hi, 1 hour later...I'm sure you know what it's like when you get together with someone who is so like minded! there are always endless things to oooh ahhh about! I spotted the adorable little racing car tin next to one of my paper kits, I don't know what it is about the 50's, it just makes me happy!

Oh yes the doggy and cow are a couple of pieces I will add to my etsy collection soon!

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