Sunday, July 22, 2012

beautiful winter flower photo

sometimes when the light is just right and the flower is exceptional it all comes together.
I really can't believe how beautiful this flower is.
I haven't touched up this photo at all, nature has created this!

sorry Mel, I don't know the name of the flower, surprisingly it isn't a Camellia, it is growing low under the Camellia bush.


  1. This flower is amazingly stunning...and so is your blog and art!! So happy to have discovered you today. off to take a peek around. xox

  2. Gorgeous photo and flower- is it a camellia?melx

  3. Thank you! Very interesting blog, great work!

  4. A very beautiful image! The flower is a hellebore, also called a Lenten Rose. It is one of my favourite winter blooms, and comes in some very lovely varieties. I have bought some for my garden here:

  5. Wonderful photos! Flowers are amazingly stunning!


Thanks for your comment, it's always so nice, it makes my day!