Friday, February 3, 2012

print competition to brighten up your wintery day!

Well what can i say! after battling for several hours and running backward and forwards to the shops to buy more ingredients i have officially decided that I will stick to meringues!
Macaroons are just too fickle, you have to get the mixture consistency just right and even humidity can ruin them! i have a great idea for decorating meringues and i never seem to balls them up so watch this space!
oh yes, thanks as always for your lovely comments, I hear it's pretty cold and miserable on the other side,
i would like to brighten up someones day by sending them their choice of print,
simply send me a comment telling me where you live and the temperature and wintery conditions and i will send one of you, a print of your choice!


  1. Hi, Ellen! It's a cold, iced and snowy morning in Zagreb, Croatia. Brrrrrr!! -9*C, and snowing... It looks like this winter is endless... All around is gray and white, so just a look on your beautiful, colourfull work gives me a hint of spring and sun...:)

  2. Hi Ellen, what a wonderful competition! I'm in Bristol, UK and it's -1*c here today, but got as low as -4* yesterday, which we're just not used to here! Thankfully it is clear and bright and the sky is blue, and the first green shoots of crocuses and daffodils are starting to emerge, so despite the cold I can feel spring on it's way. Hope you have a great day, Rachel :-)

  3. Hi Ellen
    Not sure if it compares as really cold in London at 1 degrees! Clear blue sky and sun.

    Macaroons look great even if they were a fiddle!
    Tracey x

  4. I live in Aberdeen, South Dakota. After a horrible winter last year, and getting up in the morning to shovel snow almost every day for months, we have a beautiful, mild winter this year. We have very little snow- it feels like early April!

  5. We're just outside Swansea, Wales UK & this mornings temp. was -5 which went up to about -2 when I took my son out. I'm a Canadian & this feels more like home weather than the UK! A great excuse to stay cozy in the house & see what's new with the rest of the world on the internet! Your prints always add the needed color to my day, thanks. :)

  6. Hi there,
    I think you're very brave for trying macaroons!!! I'd struggle to manage baked beans on toast (the kitchen is NOT my domain)! :-)
    Here in Duesseldorf, it's -11 degrees. I don't mind it being so cold, but I wish we could have a bit of snow to go along with it.....
    You're very kind offing a giveaway! One of your prints would brighten up anyone's dull February days!!!

  7. Hi Ellen
    It's a chilly -1 here in my wee village of Burton-In-Kendal in the Lakes, UK. We are forecast snow tomorrow! If it happens and there's enough I'll be helping to make my 2 year old son's first snowman :) I think some hot chocolate and stodgy English puddings should shake off the chill. I'll wait until the spring for some meringues and macaroons - mmm with fruits and berries - lovely jubbly!
    Kay x

  8. Hi Ellen,
    What a generous competition. I feel like I have traveled through many climates in the last few days. last week I was in Tonga for work where it was pouring rain one minute, blowing a gale the next and humid and hot in-between, then onto Fiji where it was soggy and wet with cyclone threats and delayed flights and now back home in Canberra Aust where we should be having a summer but I think I bought the rain with me. The wonders of mother nature! Love your work and love seeing it pop up in more and more places.

  9. Brrrr -5 last night in Devon, U.K. My son comes back from his paper round so cold he couldn't feel his fingers, on closer interrogation it seems he collected two large icicles carrying them home and has put them in the freezer. He now has some warmer gloves and a hot chocolate and will avoid the novelty of icicle collecting in the future, unless wearing his new gloves! (And it's just started snowing!)

  10. in Netherlands,-10 in the moment..
    great time for ice skating and warm drinks

  11. Hi there
    I'm not sure what the temperature is today but it is freeeeeeeezing. I am in the UK (Milton Keynes) and would love to win one of your lovley prints, that would defo warm up my Winter.

    Have a good week and good luck with the market.


  12. We had snow a couple of days ago here in Berkshire (uk) which was very exciting for a grown up child like me! It was accompanied by a (much less exciting!) 13 hour power cut though so we were chilled to our bones and had to spend the afternoon and evening sitting in sleeping bags to keep warm.
    I love your prints and paper cuts - they feature a lot on my pinterest boards :o)

  13. oh and it's -1 here today, although feels like -4 with the wind. Definitely a staying inside kind of day!

  14. Hi! I'm posting a comment again, just to tell you that since My first post, temperatures in Croatia droped to -25 during the DAY!! Snow has covered the whole Croatia, including the cost. Every river here are frozen, many river boats are traped, even the sea is frozen by the cost! It's a kinda like a new ice age:) COLD!!

  15. Hi Ellen I live in barry South Wales UK it is very very foggy hear and 9% but it feels like 6% its raining as well. We are well-known for rain in Wales wish it was warmer regards and best wishes Gwen


Thanks for your comment, it's always so nice, it makes my day!