Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Etsy prints

The Eastbourne Market is on in a couple of weeks and i have decided to take the plunge and sell my prints along with... macaroons! yes i know they feature on nearly every cooking show and come across as quite hard to make but i love a challenge and really how hard can they be?! i am making them primarily because they are so bright and colourful, my hope is that they will stand out against all the other baking. try Google "french macaroons" and you'll see what i mean!
anyway, i have dusted of my food processor and i'm trying my first batch today... i'll let you know how i went tomorrow!


  1. Hi Ellen!

    We are a design store in Wellington currently stocking some of the Letterhead notebooks featuring your artwork!

    We thought we'd have a nosy to see what other things you do and came across your blog, it's fantastic!
    We love your work :)

  2. Oh my goodness, Ellen! I'm SO glad that I stumbled upon your blog - it's AMAZING!!! I love how colourful and bright and fun it is! It's -9 degrees here in Duesseldorf (I'm a Brit, living in Germany) today, and it looks as though all the colour has disappeared outside - everything's so pale and hard and lifeless. So, finding you today was a real treat!!! I'll definitely be visiting you again - there's so much to see here!
    Until next time.....

  3. Wow - we are so happy we have found you're stuff. We love it - so super cool & exactly our style. Will defo pop straight to your etsy shop now!


Thanks for your comment, it's always so nice, it makes my day!