Saturday, December 22, 2012

Thank you for a wonderful year!

To all my lovely followers and viewers!
I thank you so much for all your support this year from the bottom of my heart!
I also wish you all the very best happiness and health in 2013
Send me a comment on what your biggest hope is for 2013 and I will choose 2 comments to send a print or kit to of their choice  !
till approximately the 8th of January!
xx Ellen!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

vintage Christmas postcards

 Vintage postcards, aren't they sweet!

Friday, December 7, 2012

bird with spring flowers Print

it was a bit of a challenge not to use too many colours but now that I have finished it I'm glad I did,
it's called "thinking of you"
have a lovely weekend!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Birthday wishes, paper cut print

Happy birthday!
we're on our way!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Love is in the air, my newest paper cut art

what a fabulous surprise! but will he finally propose?....

Monday, December 3, 2012

Cut paper art titled "good luck"

there is something therapeutic about creating happy positive pieces of art, with so much seriousness in the world it's nice to take a few bits of coloured paper, cut them out, arrange them in a particular way and end up with something that makes me smile, I could think of worse ways to make a living!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Love Butterfly print

this piece is simply called "LOVE"
have a lovely weekend!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Well done!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanks Quando fuori piove and Print & Pattern and Cutable!!

Today I am just wanting to thank the following and everyone that has been so kind by mentioning my art on their blogs, it really gives me a boost, especially living so far from everyone!

  Print & Pattern!
my owl barn have put together their third annual calendar 'owl lover' 2013 calendar. it's a beautiful owl themed calendar that is a collaborative project between my owl barn and 43 artists from all over the world. the calendar can be downloaded for free from here and customised with your own pick of the 43 images available. these were my particular faves - above by sass & peril, below cally johnson isaacs, ellen giggenbach, and amy cartwright.

thanks Quando fuori piove for your post too!
I had to translate it!

Giochi di carta: il mondo a colori di Ellen Giggenbach

Lo dichiara subito, con semplicità: le sue creazioni sono sculture di carta decorata e ritagliata a mano. 
Non può immaginare come queste poche parole facciano immediatamente scattare un colpo di fulmine nei miei occhi e nel mio cuoricino...

E infatti quando mi trovo davanti i lavori di questa creativa provo tutti i sintomi dell'innamoramento: non vedo in loro alcun difetto, mi mettono allegria con un solo sguardo e vorrei che venissero presto a vivere in casa mia!

Oltre a vivere ritagliando carta colorata, cosa che già me la renderebbe simpatica a sufficienza, questa donna esibisce uno stile unico, vagamente retrò e folk, capace di aggiungere buonumore e luce a qualsiasi bigia mattinata invernale!

Ellen Giggenbach è una creativa neozelandese, dalle evidenti origini bavaresi, che ho incontrato su Etsy
Il collage è decisamente la sua arte e le immagini che si incontrano sul suo blog lo dimostrano: gli scatti dei suoi lavori in corso si accompagnano a tanti consigli e idee di Ellen per provare a imitare il suo stile unico.

Nel suo negozio, invece, si trovano piccoli kit da costruire per regalare vivacità a quell'angolo un po' depresso della casa, io ne ho uno, ad esempio, che necessita di un gatto e un gufo con papillon su una barchetta...

o di una fila di negozi e colorati personaggi...

Se anche a voi piace il suo stile vi consiglio di dare un'occhiata alle novità create da Ellen per il Natale.

Angioletti, alberello e lampade di carta a forma di casette, sono pdf stampabili, ergo con i 2 euro del file originale mandato via mail, si possono riprodurre tutte le copie che si desiderano, io ve l'ho detto, e questo non è nemmeno un post sponsorizzato! (a meno che non riscontriate un'ombra di interesse personale nella sua offerta di scambiarci le case per le prossime vacanze...).

Last but not least thanks to CUTABLE!


Wordless Wednesday – Ellen Giggenbach

Oh my! Gorgeous items from Ellen Giggenbach.

I think I want one of everything!

Wee Birdy feature

thanks WEE BIRDY for your feature!

What to order now for Christmas: Presents for babies & kids from Etsy

Etsy Christmas Gift Guide for Babies and Kids via
Do you have any little people to buy for this year? There are loads of mass-produced samey toys around for babies and kids, so why not consider getting something handmade? Here are my top picks for babies and kids from Etsy.
1. Morris little owl, US$40 from Wassupbrothers.
2. Organic colorful little worm teething toy, US$10 from BoutiqueBeauties.
3. The Owl & the Pussy Cat went to Sea Paper Craft, US$15 from Ellen Giggenbach.
4. Newborn and toddler girls’ dress, US$36 from April Scott.
5. Mario baby onuses set of three, US$42 from The Wishing Elephant.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Cut paper Etsy print

I am feeling so inspired at the moment! this is simply called "Thanks!"

Monday, November 26, 2012

Pretty Swan print

I have called it "Bon Voyage"

Friday, November 23, 2012


I'm done for the day,
I think I'll sleep on it and finish this on Monday.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

50's fabric and candle stick

I was rummaging through my stash of fabric and found this classic 50's shower curtain fabric,
how classic this is, poodles bathing, many would call it kitsch, I call it fabulous!
I love the candle stick too, i can arrange the wooden layers as I like, it goes well with in earthy corner!
Lastly, don't you love the way this orange daisy unfurls, it starts of very haphazard!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

beautiful flower

I absolutely LOVE candy striped flowers!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Original Paper Cut

and here is another one!
are they buildings? are they vases? you decide!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Original Paper cut for sale

This jolly paper cut 30cm x 30cm is NZ $280 and is now available to purchase from the Solander Gallery.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

DAILY CANDY feature!

I have just seen that i have been featured on the very popular US blog DAILY CANDY
It's lovely to see my paper cuts are getting noticed!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Paper Craft Christmas tree

Available to download for US$3, simply go to my little shop!
This sweet little Christmas Tree will look fabulous on your mantel piece this Christmas season!
it will look lovely on it's own or displayed with my festive little Christmas House and Angels.
it looks lovely at night, lit from behind with a tea light.
It will look great printed on almost any weight paper!
Inkjet paper will give the best results.
it is super easy to make and comes with instructions.
Once you have made your purchase I will contact you within 48 hours.
I will e mail you a PDF file.
please let me know if you would like to print it on A4 paper or 8.5 x 11 Letter format.
you can print it as often as you like as long as it is for personal use only.
You will need to print 1 sheet to make each tree.
When completed it stands; 27.5cm x 13cm /11.5 inches x 5 inches.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Native New Zealand Birds Art

4 native New Zealand bird art works for Kina Gallery

Phew! I have just finished 4 new pieces for Kina Gallery. Tomorrow I'll start another collection of 4 pieces for the Solander Gallery.
busy busy busy, just how I love it!
oh yes, my little Christmas angels are now available as printables in my Etsy Shop!