Sunday, August 16, 2015

My latest book "My House"

One of the best things about illustrating books (I've just finished my 12th one) is receiving a printed copy quite some time after its finished. It's like looking at it for the first time. I often think, wow did I do all that work! This title has to have been one of my favorite to create with "Templar" They are so great to work with, I really do have complete creative license to go wild, it has a retro feel..... of course! There's everything you need in a home, even a little toilet with a flowery lid!
If you want one (they're not just for kids!) simply click here


  1. Hi Ellen! Wow, I'm so impressed about your work and so happy I found you! Just amazing, happy colour storm! Looking for to read and see more!
    Greetings from a Finnish woman living in Greece! x Teje

  2. Bravo pour ce nouveau projet !!! Magnifique création.

  3. I love it! It looks great and like it would be loads of fun.


Thanks for your comment, it's always so nice, it makes my day!