Wednesday, January 28, 2015

finished scarf

I'm so sorry for my lack of posts of late, I have been busy working hard on another lovely book, I'm nearly finished so I'm taking a moment to share with you my latest project success!
As you may know, I have been working on a collection of scarves, my first attempt at ordering on line was a complete flop, the company who produces them admits that they won't look the same as the art work, well that's an understatement! they are washed out and the colours have run horribly.
I have had to go back to the drawing board and have decided that to produce truly beautiful quality with a sharp, vibrant print I need to make them myself and so here we are,
This long scarf is made from a sumptuous fabric, not silk, actually nicer in my opinion as it has a lovely weight which makes the scarf sit beautifully,
This design is quite summery the next designs will be suitable for cooler days.
I'll send new designs as soon as they are finished!

1 comment:

  1. These are just stunning! Love the prints melding together like this. Such a shame that you had trouble with having them manufactured, but on the bright side, look at how beautifully they have turned out by your own hand.


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