Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Cushions in my Etsy shop

Available now, simply click here!


  1. Such happy and fun cushions!!! They would make great Christmas gifts.

  2. Cool stuff! Your products are all snappy and eye catching. Cushions should not only promise comfort, it should also be inviting to reverberate our mood, which is where real good printing can go. Thanks for sharing that, Ellen! More power to you!

    Faye Fowler @ Master Copy Print

  3. These colours and designs are so bright and vibrant! These can really make a room pop, and the fact that there are so many variants makes it easier to match the already existing aesthetic of your room. I wish I had seen this post before the holiday season, I would have definitely ordered a few as presents.

    Blanca Hoffman @ Marketing theProduct


Thanks for your comment, it's always so nice, it makes my day!