Wednesday, April 2, 2014

new Hot Air Balloon paper craft, giveaway!

Phew! this certainly was a challenge! with gritted determination I persisted with my idea to create a 3 dimensional, stripey, geometric hot air balloon! I tell you, I am no maths wiz, it took quite a few prototypes before this latest project took shape!
A pretty pink balloon and a blue one (especially for the boys!) are finished and available now for you to make in my Etsy shop
simply let me know which you would like and I will randomly draw a winner next Friday!


  1. You've done a great job, the hot air balloons are wonderful!! I love the blue one(and I'm not a boy ;-))

  2. They are gorgeous, blus is my favourite!
    Not a boy either!!

  3. Hi, I might be too far away ( in the uk) but I just wanted to say, I absolutely Love your work! Your use of colour and texture is wonderful! I saw your book at a trade fair in January and its on my list to stock in my online shop later in the year. Debbie

  4. Oh I feel like the fairies at the end of "Sleeping Beauty" who fight over the colour of her dress - pink, blue, pink, blue - both just gorgeous! Who could choose?

  5. Lovely! I think the pink one would be perfect for my niece Ella's bedroom!!

  6. Your balloons are utterly gorgeous!!

  7. PINK!! Love the hearts and flowers!

  8. These are absolutely beautiful - love them!

  9. And I think the blue one is my fave!! ;D

  10. thanks!!
    I will draw at the end of this week!


Thanks for your comment, it's always so nice, it makes my day!