Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Paper Craft Butterfly New Year giveaway!

welcome back!
it's already been a very busy start to the new year, I have been working on a very exciting book project and have even had time to slip in another paper craft creation, I figured, if I could make a 3d heart what's to stop me making a 3d butterfly! he's ended up quite edgy, excuse the pun.
To celebrate what I am hoping will be a great 2014 I am giving away this paper craft, it comes flat packed, and I will even cut it out so all you'll have to do is sellotape it together!
Simply send me a message telling me your hope for the coming year  and I'll randomly choose 2,
I will let you know middle of next week!


  1. I am hoping for a year full of wonderful changes. My motto for the year is:
    Make a wish
    Take a chance
    Make a Change

  2. It's also very beautifull!! But I'm so happy with en thankfull for the heart, so I will not be on it. (You know what I mean I hope).
    Hugs from Holland

  3. It's so beautiful ! Un joli papillon en 3D et en couleurs : tout ce que j'aime !
    My wish for 2014 ... is ... "to give light to the others"
    Apporter un peu plus de bien, de bon, de mieux aux autres comme ils ont su m'apporter ça en 2013 ...

  4. Ah that looks lovely, my resolution is to be more productive! x

  5. This year I'm making time to enjoy my four young children. I'm going to enjoy being their mother & just having fun. They are only young once.

  6. I am hoping for health and happiness for my family, and a great deal more tolerance and love and PEACE in the world!

  7. To spend more time teaching my children. My Air Force hubby is gone until Feb. 14th, so I want to use that time well to fully invest into them and into their education in his absence. All the best for your new year!!!

  8. I'm hoping to survive but also grow my vintage shop,What Katy Did in Devon, Uk. I lost my motivation, positivity and happiness last year but 2014 has started with a promise to myself that I will find something positive in EVERY day..and it's helping so far! (and looking at your happy creations brightens my days; thank you!!). x

  9. My word of the year is positivity, so it will be my main focus.
    I'm trying new crafts and want to master my sewing machine ;)

  10. My hopes for this year are to move forward with my creativity. I love your beautiful butterfly!!! Thank you for the chance to win.

  11. My aim this year is to spend less time surfing the net and trying to come up with "The idea" and to spend more time with my eyes open in the real world.

  12. What a beautiful design, love it!
    I hope 2014 will bring a huge change to the world: real peace (as everyone want!), a lot of truth, and many opportunities to share love! We all want it, we deserve it and we can achieve those goals far more easily than we are told... because we are powerful :-)

  13. To spend special time with my 86 year old mother, continue my exploration with paints and live each day to it's fullest.


Thanks for your comment, it's always so nice, it makes my day!