Sunday, November 3, 2013

What paper do I use?

Thanks Carmen for your question asking what paper I use.
If I am creating work that I will scan and not sell as an original, I use a variety of papers.
scrap booking companies sell pads of paper coloured in the most beautiful shades.
I also use plain white paper (never card, it's too hard to cut) which I then paint with acrylics.
It's important that it is reasonable good quality so it doesn't pill when I paint it.
I press the paper over night to flatten it.
I use these papers when I am making art to sell as originals as these don't fade.
Occasionally I'll experiment with scanned fabric that I print on my inkjet printer or even magazine cut outs.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Ellen for your reply. I appreciate it. Keep up the wonderful work you do.


Thanks for your comment, it's always so nice, it makes my day!