Saturday, September 7, 2013

Groovy, retro scales

I am very busy right now working on some hush hush projects, I can't wait to tell you about them!
Till then, you probably know by now, one of my fave past times is scouring my local second hand shops for mid century treasures. These scales leaped out at me today, this is why I love this era so much, not content with producing this practical (and often reviled) product, someone thought to them selves, why not "groovy" it up with a big green and blue butterfly! I have never really wanted to own scales but these are too good. (my husband chooses to disagree!)
Oh yes and this is my cushion all made up, its got a spring vibe, something we here in New Zealand are very much looking forward to!


  1. Love that butterfly - not keen on bathroom scales but I would have had to snap them up!

    Love the cushion, we are just saying goodbye to summer here in the UK, mornings are darker and today has finished cold and grey...enjoy your spring when it arrives! Rachel xx

  2. They are the coolest bathroom scales I've ever seen!!!

  3. do you know i wouldn't even care about the ever increasing numbers if i were looking at my feet on those scales x


Thanks for your comment, it's always so nice, it makes my day!