Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wall decals for an after school care room in New Jersey.

It doesn't happen very often that I can talk about a project I am working on, I asked the lovely client's who I am designing for at this very moment if it would be ok for me to show my work in proress,
I thought you might like to see, they said that's fine,
so following are the beginning stages of a private school after care room renovation in New Jersey.
My client is wanting to apply wall decals to create a fun and unique space.
They found my work on Etsy (go Etsy!) I'm looking forward to seeing my designs huge!
what fun, so here we go...

 I really like their colour palette! very much the sort of colours I like to use, a mixture of bright and off beat!

 These are their rough concepts of the space, only 1 wall will be blue (the main wall for the decals)
 This is my first version of the main wall, featuring a washing line to hang kids art work.
roughs for the 2 small children's areas, decals to surround a play market and play kitchen ,
they are very happy with this concept.
This is the revised version for the main wall.They sent me an example of one of my designs as a guide. Beacuse there is a mix of ages using this space, my client felt this wall needed to be a bit "older" and not to young, this will need to be much more stylised and graphic, The plain rectangle at the bottom is a couch so this gives you an idea of the scale, it's quite big! I have had to get my head around feet and inches! 
They are happy with this so now it's time to get started!
I'll post as I go!

I also want to let you know that I placed all those that entered my recent competition on my Blog and Facebook page in a bag and randomly pulled out a winner, it's Paula Hudson, congrats! yes indeedy, it is a retro clock!


  1. I love your buildings! And your trees. This will look amazing.

  2. Wauw what a fantastic job youve got here,
    Love to see the room when finished

  3. Really interesting to read about your process with this project, I look forward to seeing how the finished room looks :)


Thanks for your comment, it's always so nice, it makes my day!