Wednesday, February 13, 2013

HYUNDI Depertment store Valantines day packaging

I have had the pleasure to work on some wonderful projects in the last few months. They will have to remain hush hush for some time yet. However to my delight I received a package from Korea yesterday that I am please to be able to share with you!
Inside a beautiful parcel, wrapped in aqua blue paper, was a red box and inside that where the Valentines gift packaging items featuring one of my designs for the Hyundai Department stores in South Korea.
Every year they find an artist that they think will suit the occasion and ask if they can use a piece of their art, the great thing is that I didn't have to do anything! I think it looks gorgeous I especially like the Valentine's Day font they have chosen, it gives it a slight 1950's feel, the colours to are so pretty.
Thank you so much Joohee for this wonderful opportunity!


  1. Oh the colours are just so beautiful no surprise they chose you. Congratulations to you. melx

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Absolutely gorgeous! You must be so pleased x


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