Tuesday, October 16, 2012

new cut paper art work

It was a very happy day yesterday. I have finished all the illustrations for 2 books!
I loved every minute of it and I can't wait to show them to you. They are very cool, no ordinary books either, I'm not allowed to say anymore yet... watch this space!
now that I am free once more I am busy working on 6 little works for an exhibition that is coming up in November. For fun I thought it would be nice to show them to you as they develop from beginning to end. As you can see they have started as simply ideas and shapes. I will up date tomorrow!


  1. Looking forward to seeing the books! How exciting!!1 :-)

  2. Wow. Books are exciting. Thanks for showing the process. I just love your style, and seeing all the parts sitting there waiting to be "finished" is really inspiring. Thanks, grace

  3. ooh they already look like they'll be pretty fab!! this makes me want to try out some paper collaging!


Thanks for your comment, it's always so nice, it makes my day!