Wednesday, May 9, 2012

pretty hydrangea flowers

it's pretty well winter here in New Zealand but that doesn't stop us going on our weekly walk.
i noticed as we walked up the hills this morning that the hydrangea bushes where looking very faded.
the lovely thing is that on closer inspection they very defiantly aren't, as this photo shows!
i absolutely love these!, what gorgeous colours, even the brown spots look pretty! it goes to show, we should all stop occasionally and look at our wonderful world up close!


  1. these are absolutely beautiful colours!

  2. These are so lovely Ellen, what gorgeous colours..very inspirational. I wouldnt know where to start if I lived in NZ, having been there for honeymoon ..inspiration everywhere. You are one lucky lady.

  3. Oh my goodness!!! How beautiful they are!!! Are they really real???

  4. VERY nice! warm greetings from Paris!


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