Friday, April 6, 2012

Easy Easter treat recipe!

you may find it rather odd to be celebrating Easter in Autumn, but that's what we do here on the bottom of the planet.
It's a changeable time of they year as you can see from my shots of Days Bay and Eastbourne,
sunny one minute rainy the next, i guess that's a bit like spring!
i have heard that it's been very summery in Britain and now it's snowing! you  poor thinks, you must be getting fed up!

Having only boys it's always a bit challenging finding crafty things to engage them, one thing that always works is anything involving sweets, so I thought Louis (my youngest )and his 2 friends might like to decorate some Easter cookies. as you can see they really enjoyed it, so i am posting this very easy recipe that you might like to try!


You will need;
250gm butter
100gm sugar
a few drops of vanilla essence
1 large egg
500gm flour

Simply cream butter and sugar,
add vanilla essence and egg,
add Flour,
mix, and roll out on a flour covered surface,
cut out shapes, place on baking paper covered tray,
bake for about 15 minutes at 180 degrees,

decorate with icing sugar mixed with enough water to spread easily (I brush on with a pastry brush) you could use lemon juice instead of water.
now let the kids have fun decorating them with a variety of sweets,



  1. UAAAhh! Was für Kekse :) meine Tochter wäre begeistert!

    Liebe Grüße . Tabea

  2. Mmmm! The Easter biscuits look yummy!
    It's lovely to see what's happening season-wise in different parts of the world, so thank you for sharing the beautiful photos!
    Happy Easter!


Thanks for your comment, it's always so nice, it makes my day!