Monday, March 26, 2012

i don't know if this ever happens to you,
you'll be busy doing one thing, in my case working on my new houses kit, when suddenly another idea literally pops into your head.
this happened to my last week, i decided i'd give it a go to see if it would indeed work and here it is!
i always wanted to create animals but have always made them to complicated, as you know whilst i'm a big fan of decorative i still like shapes to be simple,
i'd love your feed back! if i sell them as kits, would you want one?


  1. love the giraffee, and would love to see more animals

  2. Love these graphic stuff! Nice and colorful.

  3. He looks like such a jolly fellow! An animal set would be fab!!!


Thanks for your comment, it's always so nice, it makes my day!