Monday, February 13, 2012

i have a winter print winner!

i popped in to visit my dear friend nancy this morning, she has the most beautiful garden imaginable!
i don't know how she does it! she has 4 children, teaches art and mosaics as well as volunteering in the community, she really is an inspiration! her daughter is of school sick today,i just had to share this photo of her with her pet rabbit with you, cute, cute, cute!

I have been blown away by all your comments regarding your freezing winter. thank you so much, it's fantastic hearing from so many corners of the world!
i have found it so hard to choose, they are all worthy!
so i asked my son to randomly pick a number out of a sack, 
amazingly number 1 came out!
the winner is: Iva G from Croatia!
please email me with your address and choice of print and i will send it of straight away,
i'm so sorry to everyone else if my finances would allow it, i would send every one one!

1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Ellen!! I'm really honored!A big kiss for you ,and for your son!Sent you a mail...


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