Thursday, June 3, 2010

i have been busy this week creating these greeting card designs. they depict 4 new zealand native birds; the tui, fantail, morepork and wood pigeon (kereru)
we are very lucky here in eastbourne as these wonderful birds are all common here.
the wood pigeons often sit in the karaka tree outside our house, the tui's are cheeky birds that sing and battle for prime territory in our kowhai tree, the fantail is so tame, it has even landed on my arm, the morepork is seldom seen but can be heard making its distinctive calling sound in the quiet of the night. these cards are for the image vault.


  1. I LOVE your birds!! So fresh and fun! They really are fab!

  2. I am a huge fan of bird prints and i think yours are amazing! truly beautiful.


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