Sunday, June 20, 2010

dear friends out there in the big wide world. i would like to take a moment to tell you about my dream, goal and vision. i am passionately determined to one day soon open a series of retail outlets in various locations. these shops will be called ELLEN.G and will sell a wonderful collection of products, everything from stationery, home wares and clothing ALL featuring my cut paper illustrations. it will be stylish yet quirky,joy full, bright yet sophisticated, warm, friendly, totally unique and above all inspirational.I KNOW i have what it takes i just need help!
i know my strengths and weaknesses. i need financing, someone who enjoys the business and production side of establishing a successful brand.
if you have any advice or help you can give me to achieve my one great goal, i would love to hear from you!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I dont think you need any help, you have a very strong style and seem to be getting your designs onto tons of great products and I only think it is a matter of time till your dream comes true!! I wish you the very best of luck with it all and keep believing I think it is closer than you think. X


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