Tuesday, May 18, 2010

a while ago i was having a coffee with my dear friend nancy and mentioned that i thought it would be a great idea for our village to have a regular market day. we are blessed to be living in a wonderful community and it would give us an opportunity to get together and  to sell a diverse range locally made crafts and produce. never one to miss a chance for a callenge (nancy has 4 kids and already runs arts and crafts classes from her home studio!) she simply said "lets do it" with those words we swung into action. we where amazed at how keen and supportive everyone has been. this sunday will be our second market. the first one at the beginning of the year was a fantastic success, we had beautiful weather, everyone turned up and had a great day. i decided this time to also have a stall and here are my wares! they are block mounts and fridge magnets, featuring some of my trade mark images. now all we have to hope for is no rain! wish me luck! i'll let you know next week, bye for now!


  1. I love these. My daughter would go nuts for the butterfly.

    I think you want to open an Etsy shop now, too, don't you? So that people like me all the way over in the US can own a print or something of yours. I think that sounds like a splendid idea!

    - Molly / Charlotte's Fancy

  2. I love arts and craft markets..always such a great way to meet lovely people! Your fruit and bird designs are fantastic...and yes you should have an Etsy shop! :-)

  3. Hi ellen, I just love LOVE your work so distinctive and stylish!! I just read your interview at Boxbird really interesting to hear your journey. I am Brighton based so will be popping down to Boxbird when I get a chance to have a closer look at your work.
    I am just starting out and it is always brilliant to hear others stories thank you x


Thanks for your comment, it's always so nice, it makes my day!