Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Press out and play books

my dear fellow bloggers, as you may have noticed I have been very quiet lately, again I am working on some hush, hush projects which I so looking foward to showing you soon.
A huge project that I was so lucky to be given is finally printed and available to pre order on Amazon.
Over the next few days I am excited to show you the individual pieces of art that have gone into
"My Town" and "My Zoo" they comprise of a base and all the press out and fold items to fill each setting. There are shops, and cars, and people and animals etc etc,
Here are the shop pieces for "Mt Town"
This project has to have been one of the high lights of my career,
it is produced by Templar Publishing.

1 comment:

Thanks for your comment, it's always so nice, it makes my day!