Friday, July 25, 2014

Duvet cover designs

What fun! queen and king size duvet covers!
Have you heard of Society 6??
They are constantly bringing out new products to upload designs on, I'm excited, I have orderd the owl duvet cover, as soon as it arrives I'll show you!
have a lovely weekend!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Mid century lovelyness!

As you are probably aware by now, I'm always scouring my local second hand shops for gorgeous mid century treasures, I was delighted to find these little beauties this weekend, for me Paris, and poodles are particullaly iconic so these plates are going to find pride of place in my ever expanding colleaction.
The glasses are so cool too and don't you love the red and white striped plastic wrapped around the little ones!

Friday, July 11, 2014

My Farm illustrations

As you've seen "My Farm" is a very busy little farm indeed! There's so much going on!Pigs rolling in mud, roosters crowing, cows grazing... I thought it could be quite nice to share a few of my favourite images with you, even though they end up quite small, I still have to create much much bigger versions of them because as you can imagine, cutting them out of paper is rather fiddly!
My Books are available at Amazon

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Mid century ceramics

I'm flat out working on a new very exciting book project which has to remain hush hush for now so I thought it would be fun to share a few of my ever growing mid century ceramics collection!
Having them dotted around my house brings me joy every day! 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

MY FARM press out and play book!

I apologize for my lack of posts this week, I have been so so busy working on fabric patterns,
I was thrilled to receive my copies of my latest book "MY FARM" last week,
I had so much fun creating this with Templar Publishing, once again, they are  a delight to work with, they give me so much creative license, you can have your own copy, it's available now on AMAZON