Friday, May 30, 2014

Flower paper pendant shade

Sometimes it's quite difficult to explain how something looks when you can't actually see it in the flesh.
I therefore decided to spend a little time today photographing a couple of my newer items also because I really enjoy changing my blog header regularly.
I wish you could see my paper shades for real,  the flower shade would look cute in a little girls room don't you think? the diamonds shade could be for a boy!
I will have it for sale as a printable next week, do you think I should offer it as as printed sheets ready to be assembled?
I would appreciate your comments, have a lovely weekend!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Printable, paper, pendant light shade

Some times all it takes is a lovely email from someone like Helene Larsen, to swing me into action.
You may have seen, quite some time ago I came up with the idea of a paper pendant shade. It had been relegated to my archive, then when Helene asked me about it, I thought to myself it would be lovely to fine tune it as a very easy to construct printable!
Well here it is, it really is a doddle to make, just 4 sides and an insert in the top. With the new energy efficient bulbs, it won't get hot and In have to say it looks quite stunning!
It is available here!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I've had so much fun today adding to my collection of products.
I especially love the new products, phone cases, lap top cases, rugs and even shower curtains!
click here to see more!
There is even free shipping today!

Monday, May 19, 2014

new bag designs

I'd love to hear which you prefer!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Todays bag designs

I have been busy today working on a new bag design and tweaking the others. I think I prefer the designs as a placement print more than a repeat, it makes them look more purpose designed and not simply fabric of a roll.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

new bag mock ups

I'm finding it such a benefit mocking up my designs onto the bag,
Do you have one that you especially like?