Friday, May 31, 2013

Spring flowers cushions

While all you luck northeners are enjoying promises of spring and summer, we here in the south are already experiencing the first shivers of winter, I should'nt complain, we had a pretty brilliant summer. The funny thing is that the darker and colder it gets, the brighter and springier my designs are becoming!
These 2 cushion designs, which I will have in a few weeks will take pride of place in my sunny little studio, even in winter it's a sun trap so whilst lounging on the couch with eyes closed, I'll dream of long balmy days down at the beach  sigh...

Press out and play books

my dear fellow bloggers, as you may have noticed I have been very quiet lately, again I am working on some hush, hush projects which I so looking foward to showing you soon.
A huge project that I was so lucky to be given is finally printed and available to pre order on Amazon.
Over the next few days I am excited to show you the individual pieces of art that have gone into
"My Town" and "My Zoo" they comprise of a base and all the press out and fold items to fill each setting. There are shops, and cars, and people and animals etc etc,
Here are the shop pieces for "Mt Town"
This project has to have been one of the high lights of my career,
it is produced by Templar Publishing.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

fabric art dolls and pillows

Phew at last, what a busy time it's been!
here at last are my first collection of fabric art panels for you to make into cushions and dolls,
simply click here!

Friday, May 17, 2013

DIY stuffed lady dolls

3 little ladies, 3 blocks of cheese!
sometimes when I go very quiet, it's because I am working on projects that I have to keep hush, hush, like this week for instance, I have been comissioned to complete a total of 9 pieces of art! it's been pretty full on, hence my lack of posts. These cheese packets are an example of one of my hush, hush projects, they are 3 in a complete range for "Pams" (all you Kiwis will be familiar with this!)
A large company which sells in our lockal Supermarkets. My contribution are the illustrations.
The little ladies too are well on their way and I will have the panels for sale in my etsy shop early next week,
have a lovely weekend!x

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

new cushions and bunting

I was both excited and nervous when my first lot of fabric panels arrived, I needent have worried they look beautiful, the linen fabric has a lovely feel,  the colours are perfect, I am working hard (between jobs) getting everything together, so I can start selling them,  I can't wait!