Friday, September 30, 2011

dont worry this isn't turning into a photography blog!
it's just that i'm working on things that i can't show yet and i've been nipping out quite a bit taking in the warmth of the spring sun and admiring the beautiful plants along the way. the flower above is huge! about 30 cms (12 inches) across, i love the stripey beach flowers too, the rest where all plain red, something had gone haywire in a good way!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

i received a lovely email today from someone informing me that she wasn't able to post a comment,
i checked my settings and unbeknown to me it wasn't open to everyone!
i have since fixed it so again thanks for letting me know!

just a reminder too,
i am having another lucky draw (one of my prints) for my followers at the beginning of next week!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

hi friends!
i haven't got any art work to show you at the moment (i have to keep it secret!) so here are some spring time images.
the great thing about moving into a new house is that the garden is a constant surprise, i love these pale green blossoms.
during a walk with friends i discovered the most amazing peach tree in days bay. it was dripping with the most juicy, most delicious peaches i think i have ever tasted (a million times nicer than the good looking but bland super market ones!)
the owner gave me a few  and i stored their pits in the fridge over winter, as soon as i took them out, they sprung into action!
now I have little peach trees! hopefully in a 4 or so years i'll have fruit too!
the final image is of art work by my very darling friend annie hayward,
here work is sooo delightful!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

lucky draw

caring on with my camellia theme, isn't the ruffle cute on the pink one!

i am going to have another lucky draw on the first of october, so if your a follower you might win a print!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

isn't the camellia beautiful, i picked it over someones fence, it's the most gorgeous shade of red.
someone has commented that i shouldn't have done that, maybe i should have mentioned that i am friends with the owner of this particular plant and she was more than happy to know that it would be displayed on my blog! this is one of the pleasures of living in a village where most people know each other!
the art work is a piece i created quite a while ago, i might get it framed, the red lamp is one that i folded out of paper! it cost about $2 to make, you can't do better than that!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

sunday walking

now that the weather is warming up i decided to go for a walk right along the ridge above eastbourne. the view is fab and i was struck by how beautiful our native kowhai flowers are this year. i also walked past the light house mosaic i made a few years back when i made them day in day out.
it is actually 1.5 meters high and has lasted amazingly well considering it is right on the beach front and gets quite a hammering from sand and salt. i guess that's to be expected, mosaics have lasted thousands of years!

Friday, September 16, 2011

etsy resin brooches

i've been trying to get a collection of brooches together to sell and just haven't had time, which is good in some ways as that means i'm busy which i prefer. I have therefore decided to add these to my shop new to see how they go, this will encourage me to get on and make more!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

new art print

spring is here! and to celebrate, i am adding this cheerful print to my etsy shop collection for you to purchase!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

etsy still life

i've added this art piece in my etsy shop because i really like the fact that i managed to create something that doesn't show flowers and birds!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

3d joyful butterflies

here is my newest craft kit,
i have always loved the way butterflies instantly bring joy, so i have created them especially bright and joyful for you to cut out and hang on a spot in your home that needs a little injection of colour.
i have mine in the kitchen!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

spring is in the air and i've suddenly had the desire to photograph spring flowers,
i think i might add these to my etsy shop too!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

and here is my sweet girl with a dress made of spring blooms!

etsy art print

and here i go again! i have such a big collection of vintage games and i have always been confident that i would eventually find a use for them!