Thursday, March 31, 2011

i will find it hard to part with these they fit in so well with my decor!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

and here they are!finished, i will be adding them to my etsy shop over the next few days!

work in progress! i'm loving the addition of vintage fabric to my latest collection for my etsy shop. i used to sew all sorts of things combining fabrics and since concentrating on my art work i haven't had any use for it until now. i should have them finished in the next couple of days oh by the way, they will have arms!

the best ruhbarb and berry pie !

 i thought it would be nice for a change to share one of my favourite recipes
with you,
rhubarb grows very well in my garden but you can buy it at your local fruit and veg shop so here are the ingredients;

125 grams butter

125 grams (1/2 cup) sugar 
1 free range egg
225 grams flour(1 1/4 cups)
25 grams(1/4 cup) cornflour
1 teaspoon baking powder

several stalks rhubarb
berries fresh or frozen(about a cup)
3 tablespoons sugar

turn on oven to about 190 C (375 F)
combine fruit with 3 tablespoons of sugar in a saucepan and soften.
meanwhile mix all other ingredients
press 3/4 of mixture into the bottom of a greased tin
pour in fruit filling
crumble remaining dough on top
bake till golden
serve hot or cold

my son louis loves it as you can see!

Monday, March 28, 2011

ive had a play with the whole idea of using vintage fabric in my work, i quite like it, this isn't finished yet, i'm thinking of creating a series of these to sell in my etsy shop, i would love to hear what you think!

weekly craft tip

my crafty money saving tip of the week!
visit your local second hand shop and find bargin priced framed pictures. look for nice frames, don't worry what's in them, remove the tape etc form the back, cut a new white paper frame, add a lovely photo, cut out from a magazine, a print of your or someones art, tape it in place, reassemble and voila, a lovely new framed piece of art for a few dollars!

during my weekly visit to my local second hand shop i spotted a mattress covered in the most amazing rose fabric. i almost bought it so that i could cut the fabric off it (believe it or not, i have done it before, what a mess, stuffing everywhere!) instead i just took a few photos of it, now it's got me thinking how i could incorporate it into one of my collages.... watch this space!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

have a lovely weekend!

Friday, March 25, 2011

spring is on it's way ! but not for us here in new zealand, it's late summer and we have been having lovely mild wind free (which is rare here on the coast)  i hope you enjoy these happy little arrangements!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

here is a selection of the 2011 range i created with shellie conway at
it's out now!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

it was lovely to receive these samples of a range of everyday cards i have created for calypso cards,
i wanted them to be nice and cheery and i love the way they have added bright envelopes, very cute!

Monday, March 21, 2011

how lovely to receive samples of the latest range i have created for
the complete range will be available very soon, i'll show you more soon!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

i'm having so much fun creating easter characters, watch this space for more!
what better way to fill a 1950's house then with 50's furniture. i bought these for a bargain  (average NZ$8 each!) i have recovered them myself with lovely red, mustard, charcoal and grey soft fabric.
as you can see, i've had no problems filling the built in shelves in our new house with my treasures.

i have no reason for posting the last few images except for the fact that i love them!
tomorrow i will be posting the first of my favourite recipes. i have a bountiful supply of rhubarb in my garden which i add to all sorts of delicious summer berries to make a family favourite. i have taken gorgeous photos too so don't forget to visit!

Friday, March 18, 2011

here are a few more ideas!
I have this huge desire to create cushion and home wares designs, all I need now is a company who is looking for someone with my style!
Please contact me if you are!